Friday, July 31, 2009

Gee Wiz, Sorry!

Hi guys! Sorry it's been so long! Our laptop broke mostly and so we had our internet turned off b/c we really couldn't use it without piling more viruses onto our computer. A LOT has happened in the past 6 months!

First of all, towards the end of last year and the beginning of this year, I had been having stomach aches all the time. Basically I had about a 2 month long stomach ache. It may have even lasted longer than that. I won't go into details but I kept going to the doctor and they kept not knowing what to do for me. They even took my blood and couldn't find anything. I gave up on paying a copay for the doctor to tell me to eat more fiber so I just kept calling and asking for suggestions. Finally the last doctor that I saw suggested that I go on a 'gluten free' diet. 'No big deal' I thought. Turned out to be a huge deal. Gluten is in so many things. So at first I was extremely frustrated and confused about what I could and couldn't eat. Then I became determined to eat the things that I like so I started learning how to cook with substitutes that made most meals taste the same, just without wheat. I thought I could keep making the regular meals for Tyler and then make something small for myself but that proved to be impossible. 

Now that I've been gluten free for about 6 months now, I feel way better! There have been a few times when I accidentally ate something with gluten in it and felt terrible within a day or so, so I know that's what was making me sick earlier this year. It's still difficult at times b/c I can't have anything breaded (like chick-fil-a nuggets) and I can't even have french fries from a fast food place if they are cooked in the same fryer as something that is breaded. There are a lot of things to remember to watch out for. It's kind of tedious but if it makes me feel better then it's worth it!

Tyler went down to Tampa for a WWE tryout at the beginning of May. It was a four day clinic. They told all the guys down there that they would be hearing from them within about 3 weeks. Well about a month and a half later we got something in the mail from them, but all it was was an evaluation which didn't give a 'yes' or 'no' on whether he was signed. We never did hear back from them or hear that anyone else got signed either. So that was a bit disappointing but we're still hoping! He actually just won the OVW Television Championship last Sunday! It was a lot of fun to watch and he brought the belt home! I'll be posting pictures of that soon! 

In April, Peter turned 1 year old! He passed Charlie in weight and size a long time ago but is still shorter than Charlie is. I think he weighs about 50-55 lbs now. He's just so thick! He seems like he is calming down a little bit though. At least it doesn't take him as long to calm down when he's hyper. Charlie likes him a little more b/c of that : )

Well that's all I can think of right now but I promise I will TRY to start writing more often!

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