Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Chronicling of our Power!

Well, here's a quick sum up of our past year since we got married: We went on our honeymoon to Universal Studios in Florida and when we got back, we finished packing our things and moved to Louisville, KY so that Tyler could pursue a career in Professional Wrestling! It was quite a change for us, suddenly being totally on our own but it's been a lot of fun so far. Tyler worked at a restuarant for awhile before becoming a Personal Trainer at a gym down the street. I was a cashier at Fresh Market and then a receptionist at a local salon and now I've finally got a graphic design job. I'm working for a company called Shoe Sensation and I do all of their design and artwork for sales and specials. I also got my hair cut off last fall! I donated it to locks of love and then ended up being in a photo shoot where they cut it even shorter! Tyler is getting better and better in wrestling and he's even got some fans! We of course had an addition to our family by getting Peter in June and he and Charlie together are quite entertaining! We've taken a few trips home now and again but we've mostly been here working and playing. Tyler travels a lot on the weekends for out of town shows but not too far.

With the holidays fast approaching, we will be busy busy busy! We are planning on making halloween costumes for Charlie and Peter this year. They are going to be Batman and Robin! (And we will definitely be posting pictures of that) We want to take them trick or treating too but don't know how well they will handle their outfits! We'll most likely be heading back to the Carolinas for Thanksgiving and Christmas but we'll be on the move in between shopping for presents and working. And before we know it, it will be time to start looking for a new place to live! With two dogs and two of us and multitudes of furniture, we have outgrown our apartment and need something a little bigger. Then of course, I'm in one of my best friends weddings at the end of March, Kyle graduates in April and Tyler graduates in May and then our two year anniversary will be right around the corner! I have a feeling that the next few months are going to go by very fast! We're doing great out here and hope that everyone else is doing well also!

A Brand New Name = A Brand New Blog

Since it's so hard to keep in touch with people these days, I thought I'd start a Blog so that Tyler and I could share with our friends and Family what is going on in our world. After all, Tyler and I are married now and we have two kids...well they're not human but they are people! They are so cute! We really haven't done many exciting things lately, other than Tyler going to Minnesota to visit the Pages and watching the Panthers play the Vikings. Charlie and Peter have been a highlight in our summer!

I was taking out the trash one day, minding my own business when a puppy seemed to come out of no where! She was so cute and her owners came running up, afraid that she was too jumpy for me. Quite the contrary...I was so excited to see a pup! I picked her up and played with her for a minute before we all went on our way to do the things that we were doing before we ran into each other. After that, I had puppy on the brain. I thought that Tyler would think that I was crazy for even telling him the story, and at first, I wasn't going to tell him about Lilly. But then I found that I couldn't resist and so I told him about how our new neighbors downstairs just got a puppy and to my surprise, he wanted to go look for a puppy as much as I did! It took a few days but we finally knocked on our neighbors' door at a time when they were home so that we could ask them where they got their pup. They told us that they got her from the Kentucky Humane Society and they gave us a coupon to use if we decided to get one too. We drove to the KHS not really thinking about what we were doing and trying to convince ourselves that we were just going to look. We filled out a survey when we got there and based on the survey, the volunteer recommended that we get a high energy dog, a.k.a. a puppy. So we went into the puppy area and the first things that ran through our minds were that it was freezing in there and that it smelled pretty bad. We looked around and there were so many cute puppies but most of them were already a few months old and I wanted a really young puppy so that we would have the opportunity to train he/she the way that we wanted without them already having developed their own set of rules; which actually means no rules at all.

After walking from crate to crate we found one that had two tiny little blond puppies. They were so tiny and adorable! And then we saw that there was another crate with two more of the same litter. We took each one out and held them one at a time. There was only one that didn't cry and throw a fit when we put him down. His name was Uranus. We didn't like the name but we liked him and his fat little belly. We still weren't completely sure that we should be getting a puppy. This was all a little bit too spontaneous. So we decided to put a 24 hour hold on him so we could think about it a little more. It didn't take 24 hours for us to decide what to do. The next morning we brought home our brand new baby boy! We changed his name of course. We decided to go with Peter b/c the very tip of his tail is white which made us think of Peter Cottontail. He also just seemed very bunny like somehow.

He was 4.3 lbs when we got him and now he weighs almost 25! He just turned 5 months last week and although having a puppy is a lot of work it has been a lot of fun too! Charlie likes him although he won't always admit it but Peter is learning very quickly. He learned to sit after about 5 minutes! We're still working on walking on the leash without pulling but he is improving. When we first got him, we were told that he was a beagle mix. Given the fact that beagles are not blonde, we thought that he must be a Beagle/Lab mix. But now that he has grown so much we discovered that there must be some Basset Hound in there b/c he is long and has short legs! And when he sits down, you can see how duck-footed he is and looks so much like a Basset Hound! Well, that's all the update we have for now. I will try really hard to keep up with this!